Tully's Training

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A Little More About Tully's Training

Hey all! This is my first blog post and I wanted to talk about what we do and and why!

So, what makes Tully's Training different? Well, we try and keep it simple. Dogs are simple—they just want to make us happy. Honestly. So we try and harness that incredible quality and utilize it to strengthen communication between animals and their companions—you guys!

In my opinion, there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of dog behavior. Dogs don’t chew up your sofa because they are angry about their walk not being long enough that morning, for example. Human emotions are often displaced onto dogs because, well, we’re humans and that’s what we do. Because of this misunderstanding, often times, normal dog behavior is perceived as a “problem” and real problem behaviors are manifested as a result.

In fact, dogs are constantly communicating—with us as well as with each other. They use signs and signals to promote peaceful interactions between themselves and other animals—and humans! It’s these signs and signals that are misunderstood, interrupted, and often times punished.

That is why we are here: to help bridge this very wide communication gap. It’s simpler than it sounds... once you know what you’re looking for, you’ll always find it. When we understand how our dogs’ beautiful minds work, we have the key to achieve the best and most reciprocally rewarding relationship (say that five times fast!).

Our vision is much bigger than just tips and techniques. We’re changing the way we look at our pets, for the better. I’m beyond excited to have you around and interested in what we’re doing! I’ll write occasionally to share products I like, tips and tricks, books to read, experiences, relevant links and who knows what else. Thanks for reading!
