The Best Puzzle Toys to Keep Your Dog Busy

The Best Puzzle Toys to Keep Your Dog Busy

One recommendation I make to most of my clients is to find a way to incorporate puzzle toys into their dogs daily life. Ideally, every dog owner should have a few different types of puzzle toys, and for their dogs to only be fed via these delightful little enrichment devices. Why? It's like free training! All you have to do it fill it up, give it to your dog, and like magic your dog gets mental enrichment and physical stimulation without you having to do anything but watch and be entertained. As a trainer, I am very thankful so many companies have developed so many types of puzzle toys.

How to Have the Best Thanksgiving Ever With Your Dog

How to Have the Best Thanksgiving Ever With Your Dog

We have a lot to be thankful for here at Tully’s Training – first and foremost, our amazing canine students and their families!

We know the holidays can be a stressful time for all family members, furry and non-furry. In fact, we see more dog bites and animal emergency room visits during the holidays than any other time of the year!

Here are some ways to make sure that everyone has the safe, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving they deserve.

How to Train Your German Shepherd

How to Train Your German Shepherd

German Shepherd training, in my experience, can either be very difficult or a breeze, it all depends on how well they were socialized as puppies. Socializing a German Shepherd is extremely important and if done properly, these dogs typically do well in most situations. A lack of early socialization can cause German Shepherds to suffer from serious and crippling anxiety and some issues that could develop include leash aggression, aggression with strangers, separation anxiety, and resource guarding.

Feeding Your Dog a Raw Diet: Answers from a Professional

Feeding Your Dog a Raw Diet: Answers from a Professional

Give your dog a healthy diet, and they will give you healthy behavior.

There are a lot of products for pet consumption out there and they all claim to be healthy for your pet. The truth is most of them aren’t. Many of the ingredients in your typical kibble are questionable to begin with; pair that with a ton of processing and a great deal of added chemicals, and you have food that is very high in caloric value and very low in nutritional value.

How to Get the Most Out of Dog Training Class: 7 Tips

How to Get the Most Out of Dog Training Class: 7 Tips

If your dog isn’t the anxious or aggressive type, group dog training classes are a great way to kickstart you and your dog’s training education. Learning to interact and communicate with your dog in a public place even just one hour a week will improve your relationship immensely.

As a dog trainer and group class instructor myself, I wanted to compile a list of the things you need to know in order to get the most out of your experience. If you follow these simple tips, you and your dog are sure to be at the top of your class!

Things We Like: Turid Rugaas and Reading Your Dogs Body Language

Things We Like: Turid Rugaas and Reading Your Dogs Body Language

In her book My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do? animal behaviorist, Turid Rugaas (who hails from Norway) offers an easy peasy training plan that will stop your dog from dislocating your shoulder every time you take them outside to pee. You'll learn Turid's method to train your dog to walk calmly and quietly on a loose leash using the solid understanding of why dogs pull to overcome the problem. 

A Little More About Tully's Training

A Little More About Tully's Training

Hey all! This is my first blog post and I wanted to talk about what we do and and why!

So, what makes Tully's Training different? Well, we try and keep it simple. Dogs are simple—they just want to make us happy. Honestly. So we try and harness that incredible quality and utilize it to strengthen communication between animals and their companions—you guys!